Twelve Articles of the Peasants Adopted at Memmingen (1525)

The basic and chief articles of all the peasants and subjects of spiritual and temporal lords, concerning the matters in which they feel they are being denied their rights.

Many antichrists have recently taken advantage of the assembling of the peasants and used it as an excuse to speak scornfully about the Gospel. They say, “Is thi sthe fruit of the new Gospel? Will the people rebel everywhere, revolt against their lords, gather and organize in crowds, and use their power to overthrow their spiritual and temporal authorities? Indeed they may even kill them.” The following articles are our answer to these godless and blasphemous critics….

First Article: we humbly ask and request that in the future the entire community have the power and authority to choose and appoint a pastor. We also desire the power to depose him, should he conduct himself improperly….He is to instill and strengthen this true faith in us. For if the grace of God is not instilled in us, we remain mere flesh and blood. And mere flesh and blood is useless, as Scripture clearly says, for we can come to God only through true faith and can be saved only through His mercy. That is why we need such a leader and pastor; and thus our demand is grounded in Scripture.

Second Article: since the tithe is prescribed in the Old Testament, although it is fulfilled in the New, we are will ing to pay the just tithe of grain, but it must be done in a proper way….With the consent of the whole community the pastor shall receive out of this tithe a modest, sufficient maintenance; the remainder shall be distributed to the poor and needy in the same village.

Third Article: it has been the custoim for men to hold us as their own property. This situation is pitiable, for Christ has redeemed and bought us all with the precious shedding of his blood. Therefore, it aggress with Scripture that we be free and will to be so….Thus we willingly obey our chosen and appointed rulers (whom God has appointed over us) in all CHristian and appropriate matters. And we have no doubt that since they are true and genuine Christians, they will gladly release us from serfdom, or show us in the Gospel that we are serfs.

Fourth Article: it has been the custon that no poor man has been allowed to catch game, wild fowl, or freshwater fish, which seems to us altogether improper and unbrotherly, selfish, and not according to the word of God….Therefore it is our request that if anyone has waters, he offer satisfactory documentary evidence that the waters have been intentionally sold to him.

Fifth Article: we also have a grievance about wood cutting, for our lords have appropriated the forests solely to themselves, and when the poor man needs the wood, he must buy it at double price. In our opinion the forests should revert to the entire community.

Sixth Article: we are grievously oppressed by the free labor which we are required to provide for our lords. The amount of labor required increases from day to day….We ask that we be dealth with graciously, just as our ancestors were, who provided these services according to the word of God.

Seventh Article: in the future we will not allow ourselves to be further oppressed by the lords….The lord shall not in any way put pressure on the peasant, or force him to render services, or demand anything else from him without payment, so that the peasant may use and enjoy his property unburdened and in peace.

Eighth Article: We are greatly aggrieved because many of us have holdings that do not produce enough to enable us to pay the rents due on them. As a result, th epeasants bear the loss and are ruined. We ask that the lords have honorable men inspect the said holdings, and fix a fair rent, so that the peasant shall not labor for nothing: for every laborer is worthy of his hire.

Ninth Article: We are aggrieved by the great wrong of continually making new laws. Punishment is afflicted on us, not according to the facts of the case, but at times by great ill-will, at times by great partiality.

Tenth Article: We are aggrieved because some have expropriated meadows from the common fields which once belonged to the community. We should take these back again in the hands of our communities, unless they have been honestly purchased.

Eleventh Article: We would have the custom called death tax entirely abolished.

Twelfth Article: it is our final opinion that if one or more of the articles set forth here is not in agreement with the word of God, and this disagreement is shown to us on the basis of Scripture, we shall withdraw such an article

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